Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Yoga Workshop in Milwaukee at Mt.Mary;s College

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Inspite of a busy schedule of working with phone calls and and replying to Emails from the early hours of the morning. Fr Joe's energy is electrifying.No one in America can believe he is 68 years.Many of our students in Milwaukee were soaked in tears with his beautifull teaching of Christianity and Yoga ,and how he invokes the "Love of Mother Teresa and Guruji B K S Iyengar to heal people.''
Over 200 students of Bryant ( Kripa US) attended these workshops, some flying in from California,Texas and other near by states.These workshops held, raized tremendous Love towards all in India and those helping Fr Joe expand his healing of kripa Foundation.
We are all blessed by Fr Joe's love and hardwork.On a personal note I pray to the Lord to protect our Fr Joe.I have personally had the honors of having him stay with me and my family I have seen, how hard he works for Kripa Foundation.Every morning he starts his day at 5.30 am and did not rest untill late midnight.I myself was in tears when he left, and our home feels the void.But we know he carries this mission and and his light to other people who need it all over the western world.
India you are very lucky to have a Father.....Fr Joe.
With lots of love
Bryant,Kelly,Valentino & Lyla Mascarenhas
Dr Ashok Bedi & Mrs Usha Bedi
All our Yoga Teachers, Yoga Students
Well wishers & Friends
Milwaukee, Wisconsin,USA