Maundy Thursday also called Holy Thursday, is the beginning of the three days celebration of Easter the most important time in the year for Christians. This three days called "TRIDUUM" is one big celebration, remembering the last supper,Crucifixion and the death of Jesus, and the Resurrection to New Life.
As been a practice for many years Fr. Joe celebrates HOLY WEEK at Kripa Foundation Vasai with patients of the rehab, PLHA'S and people from the local community. However due to a prior commitments, Fr. Joe was in Australia doing programs and was not present in Vasai for Palm Sunday Service, However was in time, to be for the "TRIDUUM" celebration at Kripa Vasai.
To a packed congregation Fr. Joe in his homily spoke of how on this "FEAST OF THE PRIEST" Christ at the Last Supper 2000 years ago, gave one strong message to his disciples, " LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU". He further gave the example of Our Holy Father Pope Francis, who washed the feet of a Muslim prisoner girl. A sign of humility.
Fr. Joe at the service washed the feet of 12 people symbolizing the twelve disciples, these twelve were namely drug addicts. alcoholics, PLHA and people selected from the congregation.
At the end of the service each one was given a Cross Bun as a token of sharing the Meal om Maundy Thursday.
The crowd went home soaked with vision, a new dream to live a Christian Life in the footsteps of Christ.and as they left wished Fr. Joe and Fr. Seraphine a "HAPPY FEAST OF THE PRIEST"
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