Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Friends Forever: Fr. Joe with Waltraude Eckert & Günter Oberschmid Largest and Longest Yoga Donors from Germany.

During his ongoing programmes in Germany. Fr. Joe conducted an Intense Yoga Workshop at Seminarhaus Heidwauhr run by Waltraude Eckert & Günter Oberschmid of Tat-Tvam- Asi Trust. Mr. Günter Oberschmid is Fr. Joe's longtime and oldest friend in Germany and also the largest donors to Kripa Foundation from Germany.

 Their bondage is so strong that no trip to of Fr. Joe's to Germany is complete without his presence at Seminarhaus Heidwauhr. Indeed a home away from home for Fr. Joe.

One of the features of Kripafoundation Iyengar yog seminars in Seminahaus Bergelingen, is that every evening Fr. Joe celebrates Mass with some of the St. Ulrick's parishioners like Bona and Rosewith, Uwe Richter joining in. It was Bona who first introduced Gunter to Fr. Joe.

Bergelingen is the Kripafoundation Iyengar Yog Centre in Germany with Waltraude Eckret being certified as an instructor by Fr. Joe.

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