Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Fr. Joe H Pereira Founder Trustee Kripa Foundation Preparing a banquet for us ...writing the Kripa Model in the mountains of St. Louis.

 Fr Joe H Pereira Founder Trustee of Kripa Foundation spending quality time in the serene and silence of the snow capped rocky mountains of St. Louis, writing his new book to pass on the lineage of "THE KRIPA ETHOS" to his Kripa Family Worldwide.
Besides Silence of the Spirit, The Spiritual Paradox of addiction, In-house guide book for Kripafoundation Iyengar Yoga™ , Training Manuel for Kripafoundation Iyengar Yoga™ ,Fr. Joe  is now writing "The Kripa Model"

Our Prayers and Best Wishes to Fr. Joe.

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