Friday, August 1, 2014

Fr. Joe inaugurates Kripa Iyengar Yog @ Panjim, Goa.

" Our bodies are wired to God" said Fr. Joe as he along with Dr. Rajvi Mehta and Dr. Franics Pinto Trustee- Kripa Foundation,  inaugurated the new Kripafoundation Iyengar Yoga Centre, opposite St. Inez Church, on top of Carpenters Choice, Magnum Chambers, Panjim. Goa.

The very first inaugural class had a house full with many in the wait list for the next programme coming shortly. This well designed yoga Studio in Panjim, Goa, would not have been possible with the generous help of "The Haroons Family" who toiled and worked day and night to get the place ready in record time.
Dr. Rajvi Mehta a senior Iyengar yoga instructor gave a PPT presentation on Guruji B.K.S Iyengar and Iyengar Yoga.

With immediate effect regular yoga classes are held daily with well trained staff by Fr. Joe and medical ailment yoga practitioners are being directly monitored by Fr. Joe from any part of the Globe.

Submiited by
Ebrahim Haroon
Photographs courtesy
Michael Paschal