Friday, December 21, 2012

Dr Menon speaks on HIV/AIDS & Dr. D.P. Singh on Research at the All India Kripa Meet

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Kripa can play a vital role in curbing HIV/ AIDS contagion in India, says medical expert
India, despite all its advances in medical, space. IT and nuclear technologies has the dubious distinction of hosting about 65 percent of Asia and South East Asia’s HIV and AIDS patients, Dr. MS Menon, Director of Medicine, Kripa Foundation, told senior officials of the NGO gathered here for the Kripa Model of Recovery: Training Program for Standardization’ program on December 19, 2012.
In his presentation covering HIV/ AIDS and related diseases that occur due to reduced immunity, Dr Menon said, afflicted victims are severely prone to contracting TB and various types of Hepatitis and other deadly infections. He called upon all Kripa centers to follow a proper protocol while accepting patients to ensure their specific medical needs are properly met. He pointed out that substance addicts rank as one of the highest risk groups for contracting HIV and AIDS due to their reckless sex habits.
Dr. Menon also spoke about the various hazards faced by AIDS and HIV positive patients and the role of Anti Retroviral Treatment (ART) in reducing the virus count in an infected person. He discussed with participants, various medical scenarios such as drug resistance when administered anti-tuberculosis or ant- Hepatitis medication.
Meanwhile, Fr. Joseph H. Pereira, leading a group discussion along with Kripa’s senior officials gathered in Mumbai for the event discussed the importance and significance of proper research into addiction and HIV/ AIDS through proper documentation. He revealed that over the years, Kripa had accumulated a treasure trove of information from various parts of India about addiction patterns, demographics of addicts and other related issues. It was time such data was utilized for researches that can help prevent addiction and HIV/ AIDS, he noted. These discussions were held with Dr. D P Singh from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, who was a guest speaker at the conference.
Submitted by
Ashwin Honawar